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Glasgow University union
- October BY election 2024 -
GUU's By Elections will take place on October 24th, 2024
Monday 7th October: Notice given of a By Election
Monday 14th October: Nominations Open (09:00)
Thursday 17th October: Nominations Close (17:00 sharp)
Wednesday 23rd October: Candidate Hustings (18:00) (Base Bar)
Thursday 24th March: Polling Open (09:00-19:00) (Dining Room)
Thursday 24th March: Results (Bridie Library)
October By-Election 2o24 candidaTE MANIFESTOS
Our October By-Election in 2024 will be held on Thursday 24th March. Please click on each candidates name to see their manifesto.
Present Student Member (Until 2026)
Board of management
Our student board is made up of 18 people: The Executive Committee (President, Honorary Secretary, Assistant Honorary Secretary), The Conveners (Debates, Libraries, Entertainments, Communications and Games), and 10 Present Student Members who complete the student board.
Being a board member is a position of great privilege, and is a real opportunity to make a difference to the landscape of the Union. If you've got an interest in the Union, seen something done and had an idea as to how it could be improved, or got some brand new ideas to improve the Union for the benefit of our members then this is the perfect time to make yourself heard and make a difference!
Honorary Secretary
Assistant Honorary Secretary
Convener of Debates
Convener of Games
Convener of Libraries
Convener of Entertainments
Convener of Communications
Present Student Member (Until 2025)
Present Student Member (Until 2026)
Please send your nomination form to Honorary Secretary via Also, please return the physical copy to Porters Box or the Honorary Secretary. (printed nomination forms can be collected from Porters Box)
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